Tuesday, May 12, 2009

now that I'm two weeks into 23, the 22 best things about 22!

Okay, so my birthday was a week ago. But I'm feeling reflective, so in no particular order, here's a list of the 22 greatest things I did when I was 22.

1. I discovered the glory of Brothers and Sisters. and when I say discovered, I mean Schutzer told me to watch it because Jonathan told him to so I did.

2. I had a record number of jobs in one year (TBE, CA, Abramson, Or Ami, Franklin Institute, and ACEEE!). Two of those were my first real full-time jobs!

3. The moment Obama got elected was definitely one of the best moments. I was on the phone with Schutz in my little loft at Bubbie Ethel's house, and they called Virginia, and then we realized that all he needed was California, and then they called California, and then we flipped out.

4. Okay, similiar to #3 - but I was in DC for inauguration and the concert and inauguration itself (even if I didn't go outside because it was freezing and I had moved here a few days before) were wonderful.

5. Got obsessed with LOST. It was Katherine's fault (as many of my TV addictions tend to be), but then I came to DC and started watching with a v fun group of people.

6. Met E.O. Wilson, one of the greatest biologists alive today, when he gave a talk at the Free Library of Philadelphia.

7. Worked at the Franklin Institute for 6 months, thus following in the footsteps of my favorite Chem teacher ever, and getting to dissect eyeballs, make paper, and run an 80-year-old train for a living.

8. I signed up for Twitter, and now follow NPR, J Street, and Obama mama. Also, I've gone through Claire McCaskill and John McCain phases, like you do.

9. I got my first apartment! I mean, I share it with other people, but it's still my first apartment, full of IKEA furniture and other wonderfulness!

10. I saw Bradley Whitford (aka Josh Lyman) TWICE - once in his great play on Broadway, Boeing Boeing, and once at an Alliance for Justice event in DC (which involved him singing If I Had a Hammer on stage with Peter of Peter Paul and Mary :) )

11. I finally went to visit Prisco at St. Bonaventure's. five years into her living there, it was time

12. I moved to a city where people come to visit. a lot. It's wonderful! Mat and Matt and Elizabeth and Missy and Sarah and Katherine and Jenna and Jonathan (well, he's from here, that doesn't count) and Elana and David and Miriam (whew!) have all come here within the past few months, and that really does make me really really happy.

13. I transitioned very well to post-Brandeis life. Minus the bumpier months when I was living at home. But looking at the whole year, I've done quite well at becoming, if not a real person, a very happy not-in-college person. There was a time when I was really worried that wouldn't happen.

14. I got a job where I'm learning and growing and using the knowledge I acquired in college (okay, not the biology, but the environmental stuff!). This is a wonderful thing.

15. I've become interested in politics in a way that I never was before. I think part of this started with the fact that I had two hours of commute to fill up when I was working in Philly, so I did a lot of reading and NPR-listening. Plus, my job intersects with politics now, which is proving to be fascinating. Who knew I liked this stuff?

16. I've gotten to read lots more than 22 books this year, all for fun! Having access to the Free Library of Philadelphia, a glorious institution, and the DC Public Library (okay, not so glorious, but still useful) has been wonderful for my brain/life.

17. Speaking of books, I have discovered the wonderfulness that is 24-hour bookstores (Kramerbooks) and daily author readings (Politics and Prose). I am clearly spoiled by this bounty of bookishness.

18. I moved to an apartment one Metro stop from my favorite sister, two Metro stops from one of my favorite people from college, and three Metro stops from another wonderful college friend. (okay, and about 45 stops away from Whitney, but I haven't actually gone to Georgia Ave that much, we usually meet in the middle)

19. purchased my first pair of skinny jeans. I know this isn't actually one of the 22 best things I did when I was 22, but it was recent and I'm still excited about it.

20. I took and survived the GRE. Got almost the exact same score as teh SAT, but switched my verbal and math . .. someone (me) did a lot of science and very little writing in college . . .

21. I saw Brian Stokes Mitchell, Stephen Schwartz, Jeanine Tesori, Liz Callaway, and Aherns and Flaherty all in the same night. No, I did not attend the Tonys, I went to a FREE concert at the Kennedy Center. Life is beautiful.

22. I belatedly became a fan of Les Miserables. Well, I've always like the book, but Walnut Street Theater's production was GAMAZING.

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