Wednesday, November 12, 2008

we'll ask the local jet set, to dine on our dinette-set

This week was jam-packed with wonderfulness and busy-ness in a crazy way.

Last Tuesday, as the universe knows, was the election. I don't think I can remember a time in my life when I was quite that excited to wake up at 5:45am, but I zoomed through getting ready and bustled my way to the polling station in Skippack. It was totally packed with people, which made me happy, and so I spent a beautiful hour chatting with other citizens and waiting to cast my ballot. Note to self: casting a ballot in person is really so much better than absentee. I spent all day at work checking the polls and being ridiculous, and was quite glad that I have a non-office job because if I had been near my computer for any more time I would have exploded.

I got home, and Bubbie and I had a yummy meal, then alternated between CNN, ABC, and Jon Stewart all night. I got a lot of needlepoint done, and my poor Bubbie had to endure renditions of "Ohio" and "I was Born in Virginia" throughout the evening. I was on the phone with Schutz when Virginia was called, and we both figured out that this meant that he had won, and we were still on the phone together when they called it for Obama -- AMAZING.

So needless to say I went into work on Wednesday a very happy me. We were all pretty excited about things, and the day was going quite well until around 2:00 in the afternoon, when I got pulled off the floor. Turns out visitor numbers are way down, and they had to lay some people off, so we had this big awful scary quiet meeting, and my boss was laid off. It doesn't really affect my day-to-day so much, but I think before this economic crisis thing felt very far away, like it didn't really impact my life, and this made it much more personal.

Considering last week was only a three-day week of work, it was pretty ridiculously up-and-down. The trip to Boston that followed was even more ridiculous and was filled with many more good things, and not so many bad as the week before. More on that in a later post.

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