Saturday, February 13, 2010

From Snowmageddon to Snoverkill: by the numbers

For all my D.C. friends, none of this post will be news (although it will involve pretty pictures, courtesy of Seth K. and Arielle G., photographers extraordinaire). For that matter, it probably won't be news for anyone else, since apparently, the ginormous amounts of snow were even enough to attract the attention of the Israeli press.

Nonetheless, I think it is necessary to chronicle the epic events of BlizzarDC 2010, and clearly, doing it numerically is clearly the way to go. So here goes.

55.9 = inches total in the DC area all winter (measured at DCA)
30 = number of miles per hour the wind was blowing on Wednesday. (the Almira Gultch tune was in my head all day . . . )
20 = approximate number of yards of 2.5-ft. snow accidentally gallumphed in by Jason F. and myself (it was a cleared path on Van Ness St. on Tuesday, and Snoverkill blew it over! We were minding our own business, walking through a few inches of snow, and all of a sudden, we were in snow up past our knees!)
4.5 = number of days the federal government was shut down
4 = the season of How I Met Your Mother that I watched in its entirety, thanks to Rachel H.
3 = number of new websites I became briefly obsessed with -- Capital Weather Gang, OPM (the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, source of federal gov't statuses!), and my work's online server that lets me get to my desktop remotely!
3 = number of the Van Ness crew that attempted to eat snow (maybe it's 4, but I can't tell if Stacy actually ate any in this picture)

2 = number of nights involving Bananagrams
2 = number of favorite snow/rap related puns: "You Down with Snow PP? Yeah, you know me." and "Snowtorious B.I.G."
2 = number of wonderful roommates who took care of me the day I was sick (thanks, Jessica G. and June R.!)
1 = number of fabulous snowmen created (who we named Milton Rutherford III, because that was one dignified snowman)
1 = number of hours I was confused by whatever LOST was trying to do this week (although about 1 minute of that included happiness about island-versio-of-history-Claire's return!)
1 = batches of snow ice cream made (thanks to Arielle G. for organizing the vanilla-y wonderfulness)
1 = night of delicious tacos, beer, and Bananagrams with the NOVA crew when Snowpacalyse was first starting
1= number of amazing Superbowl cakes made by Alexa B. - Geaux Saints!
0.8 = number of miles trudged on Albemarle Street with Rachel H. on our Best Buy/Robek's adventure on Monday
0 = number of bags of spinach in the Van Ness Giant all week!
many,many = number of times we all fell in the snow.

10 = number of days since Snowmageddon started. And guess what it's doing outside? Yup, it's snowing.

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